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The NSS unit was started in 1975-76. The activity was included as a non-gradial course COCA 100, 2(0+2) credits from 2007 and works as five units with fifty students in each unit guided by five NSS programme officers. It is mandatory that every student who gets admitted into the undergraduate programme shall become a NSS volunteer. During first year the student will register a non-gradial COCA 100, NSS, 0+2 credits for a semester and students get involved in various need based activities.In addition, the students of second and third year will also register as volunteers of NSS as a part of their curriculum and will be involved in various social activities. It is mandatory that the final year students will participate in a special camp for a week at rural area or adopted village for a week.The student gets involved in two types of activities; regular activities (120 h) during first, second and third year of their under graduation, Annual Special camp (120 h) during final year. Thus, an undergraduate will serve as NSS volunteer for all the four years and will be meeting the required 240 h of social service for getting Certificate entitled as NSS volunteer from the University under the signature of Vice Chancellor and the Programme Coordinator

The other activities include Blood donation, Mass Cleanliness cum Awareness drives like Swatch Bharat campaigning etc, Tree plantation, special village camps for creating awareness in villagers on Hygiene, weed  control, diseases due to mosquitoes, Rodent control, kitchen gardening, motivating unprivileged school children about various opportunities, pulsepolio campaign, yoga, women empowerment, youth festivals, heath camps etc.,

By being a NSS volunteer, the students are extensively benefitted in developing self-confidence, selfless service motto, leadership qualities, intellectual expertise, responsible citizens, personality, motivated to work together for the peace and prosperity of the fellow citizens and the nation, develop communication skills, observational skills and logical thinking, and teaches them to face life challenges in their future as they get involved with various group of people. The NSS unit strive its best to develop the attitude of NOT ME BUT YOU.