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Following steps are taken at Agricultural College, Bapatla to make the campus ragging free.

  • Anti Ragging cell – at University level.
  • Anti Ragging committee (Cir Memo No. 859 / A3 / Ragging / 2016 dated 27.08.2016 of the Associate Dean, Agricultural College, Bapatla). The Committee consists of Associate Dean as Chairman and Officer-in-charge Student Activities, Officer-in-charge Academic matters (PG), Officer-in-charge academic matters (UG), all the wardens of boys’ and girls’ hostels, Officer-in-charge Placement Cell, NSS programme officers, Administrative officer of the College, Superintendent of the academic section, Bapatla revenue mandalTahsildar,  Bapatla division Deputy Superintendent of Police, representatives from print and electronic media, parents of students as members.
    • Anti ragging squads are constituted to monitor Boys’ and Girls’ hostels from 7.00 PM to 9.00 PM starting from first day of students’ entry (from the date of joining of first year B Sc (Ag) students) for a period of about 60 days). Log book is maintained in the respective hostels regarding the attendance of Anti ragging squads.
    • Monitoring committee of Antiragging with the Associate Dean as Head and antiragging committee members of the College visit hostels every day to keep a watch on errant students if any during the first three months of B Sc (Ag) first year students.
    • A Help Desk is opened in the Associate Dean’s Office along with Complaint Box.
    • Emergency call unit is being operated by the members of Anti ragging committee. Phone numbers of all the members of Anti ragging committee, wardens and Officer I/C Student Affairs are circulated to all the first year B Sc (Ag) students at the time of admission.
    • CCTV cameras at vital points are installed at boys’ and girls’ hostels and at class rooms. .
    • Alarm bells: All the first-year students were accommodated in separate hostels and provided with exclusive watch and ward staff to restrict visitors after Antiragging squad timings.
    • Media campaigning: Publicity is given to antiragging through interaction of senior students and staff along with Associate Dean. Public notice issued by UGC ‘curbing the menace of ragging in higher educational institutions’ is displayed in all the notice boards.
    • Prominent publicity inside and outside through boards at vital points: Toll free numbers of Anti Ragging (GOI), Slogans and laminations are displayed in the major points of the College, Hostel, Library and all the Department Notice Boards.
    • Action against errant students: No incidence is reported and during the period 2015-16 to 2019-20.
    • Information booklets for students / parents / staff covering ragging and indiscipline issues: All the first-year students are given the code of conduct. Rules and regulations of their stay in College and hostels are given to the students and briefed to the parents at the time of admission and orientation.
    • Prospectus covering anti ragging and undertaking from the students / parents / guardians: Undertakings (affidavits) are obtained from individual student and parent as well.
    • First aid kit: Available with the College Health Center and with the Hostel Offices.
    • Anti ragging Help line: Phone numbers of Associate Dean, all the members of Anti ragging committee, wardens and Officer I/C Student Affairs are circulated to all the first year B Sc (Ag) students at the time of admission.
    • Anti ragging message: Public notice issued by UGC ‘curbing the menace of ragging in higher educational institutions’ is displayed in all the notice boards.
    • Anti ragging website: Students are educated regarding availability of grievance cell with Antiragging website.
    • AntI ragging van: On call available with the transport Department of the College.
    • Emergency call unit: Telephones of Warden and College are allowed to call on emergency
    • Quick response teams: Chairman of Ant ragging Committee and OSA of the College are made available 24 hours over phone.
    • Sudden and surprise visits: Undertaken by the Associate Dean, Members of Anti ragging committee, OSA and Wardens.
    • Because of the above initiatives taken along with the staff of the College, the period 2015-16 to 2019-20 can be called Ragging free campus.
  • The College has been ragging free for the last five years