Department of Crop Physiology at Agricultural College, Bapatla was established in 1978 after it was bifurcated from the Dept. of Agricultural Botany. M.Sc (Ag) and Ph.D (Ag.) programmes in the Dept. of Crop Physiology were initiated in year 1978 and 1993 respectively. The Department is offering six (6) UG, 13 M.Sc (Ag) and 11 Ph.D courses. The department has formulated innovative methods for conducting practical classes for UG on rotation basis and PG on project basis. Audio-visual aids and multimedia system were introduced to inculcate interest and inquisitiveness in the principles and application of Crop Physiological processes.
The Department constituted ‘The Plant Physiology Club (APAU)’ during the year 1985 with the Agricultural College, Bapatla as its Head Quarters. It is publishing a quarterly scientific news bulletin ‘News and Views of Plant Physiology (NVPP)’ and has organised state and national level seminars, workshops, symposia, summer institutes and training programmes. The club has published practical manuals for UG courses, a ‘Directory of Indian Agricultural Scientists’ during the year 1995 and also a brochure on the progress of the Department of Crop Physiology, Agricultural College, Bapatla on the eve of completion of 25 years. Moreover the website of the Plant Physiology Club (APAU) was launched on 18.12.2004.
The number of students passed from the Department since its inception till date were 152 M.Sc (Ag) and 31 Ph.D. and they were placed in prestigious positions.
Crop Physiology Staff

Dr. K. Jayalalitha
Professor & Head
Dr. G. Vijaya Kumar
Assistant Professor
Dr. P. Gowthami
Teaching Associate